Press release

PowerX Signs a Partnership Agreement with Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

PowerX, Inc. (Head Office: Minato City, Tokyo, Japan; Director, President & CEO: Masahiro Ito, hereafter, “PowerX”) has signed a business partnership agreement with Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.(Head Office: Sendai City, Miyagi, Japan; Representative Director & President: Kojiro Higuchi, hereafter, “Tohoku Electric Power”). The purpose of this agreement is to leverage the potential of PowerX’s battery storage products and work together towards the realization of a sustained society by promoting the use of renewable energy sources. PowerX will provide a range of battery products and services, including stationary batteries, to support Tohoku Electric Power in its endeavors to establish a renewable energy network and implement smart solutions for society.

About Tohoku Electric Power

Company Name: Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. (東北電力株式会社)
Location: 1-7-1 Honcho, Aoba-ku, Sendai,Miyagi, Japan
Representative: Representative Director & President

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