Press release
PowerX Announces CHAdeMO Certifications of Hypercharger

PowerX, Inc. (Head Office: Minato City, Tokyo, Japan; Director, President & CEO: Masahiro Ito, hereafter, “PowerX”) announced today that the company received CHAdeMO 2.0.1 certification, Japan’s latest protocol of the EV charging standard, for the Standard model and Compact model of its battery-integrated ultrafast EV chargers “Hypercharger.”
PowerX will start installing Hyperchargers at its EV charging stations and other locations starting from this summer. With this certification, Hypercharge is compatible with many CHAdeMO-compliant vehicles, which are common in Japan.
PowerX will continue to strive for technological innovations and service improvements to provide clean and convenient charging solutions to all EV owners, aiming for the further adoption of EVs and decarbonization in the mobility sector.