Site Policy

Copyrights and Trademarks

All content published on this website, including text, illustrations, logos, photos, videos, software, and other materials, is copyrighted by our company or third parties. Except for cases permitted under copyright law, such as personal use, no part of this content may be used (including reproduction, modification, distribution, or public transmission) without prior permission from the copyright holder. Additionally, the names of our products or services displayed on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of our company.

Links to this Website

Links to this website are permitted without prior notice, regardless of whether they are for commercial, non-commercial, or intranet purposes. However, links from websites that fall into or are likely to fall into the following categories are strictly prohibited:

  1. Websites that defame or intend to damage the reputation of our company or other organizations.

  2. Websites that infringe or are likely to infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, privacy, portrait rights, or other rights of our company or other entities.

  3. Websites containing adult content.

  4. Websites with content contrary to public order and morality.

  5. Websites that obscure the origin of our content, such as displaying this website within a frame, causing confusion among third parties. (Ensure links open a new browser window or switch completely to this website.)

  6. Websites engaging in activities that violate laws, regulations, or public order and morality, or that interfere with the operation of our website.

Additionally, the use of our company’s logos, marks, or trademarks to create links without authorization is prohibited. Links designed to mislead the source of information are not allowed. Please note that the URLs on this website are subject to change without prior notice, and we bear no responsibility for any claims, complaints, or damages related to links.


While we strive to ensure the reliability of this website, we make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or validity of its content. We assume no responsibility for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of this website or accidents occurring on it. Furthermore, we are not responsible for the content of external websites linked from this site. The content and URLs of this website are subject to change or discontinuation without prior notice.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Unless otherwise specified, the interpretation and application of this site policy and disclaimer are governed by the laws of Japan. Any disputes related to this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance, unless otherwise stipulated.

  • Established on Sep. 27, 2022